Thank you for reading through our posting. For now,
[1] from google.colab import files
[2] uploaded_train = files.upload()
And this line will let you choose ‘a’ file from your desktop.
Like this! (I apologize it’s in Korean however, in English you’ll see “Choose Files” instead)
This is basically how you could upload your own file to Colab.
Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how we could load the raw dataset into format, yet.
The thing is that we are voluntarily detaining ourselves from any gatherings as much as possible due to the COVID-19 crisis. So, this response is very much limited for now. Once we get back to our ordinary meetings, this issue will be covered and I’ll get back to you with a new posting. :)
I appreciate your interest and proposal! This is very motivating.
Thank you.
Cecilia Kim.